
Friday, March 22, 2019

Ecstasy :: essays research papers

Ecstasy is a very popular fountain drug. It is said to give complete euphoria for up to 6 hours. It came about in the 80s and is becoming to a greater extent popular now. Its real name is methylenedioxymethamphetamine (3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-Methylamphetamine). It is a dangerous high and is more popular with young people. In the following paragraphs are slightly knowledge about the drug.Ecstasy is sold on the streets and is illegal as a schedule 1 drug, along with heroin and cocaine. It has many street label like beans, X, E, rolls, etc... Ecstasy can range anywhere from $5 to $25 and is usually a 100-150 mg pill. Its known as the roll in the hay drug because you are supposed to be very generous and kind when on the drug. Effects generally happen within 20-40 minutes, when the user frequently experiences a brief "rush" of energy, usually described as modest but euphoric. After this rush, the high levels off to a peak which lasts 2-3 hours and is followed by a "com ing down" sensation. MDMA exerts amphetamine-like effects which include dilated pupils, prohibitionist mouth and throat, tension in the lower jaw, grinding of the teeth, nystagmus (eye wiggles), sweating, or unwellness and overall stimulation. These side effects are dose dependent and provide vary depending on the health of the individual user. The following are some feelings or emotions the ecstasy user experiences Entactogenesis ("touching within") This is a generalized feeling that all is right and good with the world. People on MDMA often describe feeling "at peace" or experiencing a generalized "happy" feeling. Also, common everyday things may seem to be abnormally beautiful or interesting.Empathogenesis Empathogenesis is a feeling of emotional affaire to others (and to ones self) coupled with a breakdown of personal communication barriers. People on MDMA report feeling much more at exempt talking to others and that any hang-ups that one may have with regard to " gap up" to others may be reduced or even eliminated. An sweetening of the senses MDMA can significantly enhance (sometimes distort) the senses - touch, proprioception, vision, taste, smell. Beaners can sometimes be seen running their hands over differently textured objects repeatedly, tasting and odor various foods/drinks. Ecstasy. The perfect word. No other could have described what I was experiencing right then and there. Beyond words. The entire message was contained in a scream and the most intense smile my face had displayed in ages.

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