
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Analysis on how healthcare is delivered in the United States as Essay

Analysis on how healthcare is delivered in the United States as compared to how healthcare is delivered in cardinal separate countries - Essay Exampleto healthcare delivery in United Kingdom (National Health musical arrangement/Service), the Netherlands (Socialized Health Insurance), and Canada (National Health Insurance).The United States is a capitalist nation and this has been transferred to healthcare delivery, i.e., the patient has to pay for the military service as they receive it from the doctor. According to Tanner (2008), this is an indicator that healthcare in the U.S is private-based with an estimated 85% of the population cover by insurance plans. Private companies exist in the U.S to provide health insurance where clients pay periodical fee for insurance and the company pays the clients doctor for services rendered. Clients pay according to the guess they are willing to insure thus, if a client pays more for an expense, then the company will load less for the insu rance and vice versa (Tanner, 2008).Most employers in the U.S pay for workers insurance which is considered as an employment benefit that adds up to the employees salary. However, few Americans can pay for their own insurance owe to high cost relative to their income. Another insurance provider is the government itself as it all(prenominal)ocates considerable gold from the budget to healthcare programs. In addition, Tanner (2008) asserts that those who are not insured as a termination of poverty receive medical checkup cover via Medicaid which is funded by both the federal and state taxes. On the other hand, the aged and children receive medical cover via Medicare which is funded by taxes from federal income. Of all the developed countries, the U.S is believed to have the highest medical expenses (Tanner, 2008).This is another capitalist country which applies the fee-for-service system of medical delivery only that the administration of the plan is make by government entities ( Tanner, 2008). This system sees the healthcare services of the country covered universally and coverage for all citizens is achieved for all ten provinces. In Canada, Tanner (2008) reveals that

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